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Highlights From IPC APEX 2022

Chemcut Booth at IPC APEX EXPO 2022
Chemcut Booth at IPC APEX EXPO 2022

IPC APEX EXPO 2022 turned out to be a great time for showing our equipment and new features. In San Diego, the Expo had a much larger turnout than many were expecting. In the prior year, attending technical shows like IPC moved from an in-person setting to a virtual one because of the pandemic. With the shows coming back to in-person, the show is making a come back and manifesting that the industry is still strongly moving forward.

One of the new features Chemcut got a chance to show at IPC was the EVA loader. EVA is a robotic arm that can automatically load and unload panels.

EVA loader, a robotic arm that can automatically load and unload panels

Chemcut has been going to the IPC shows since 1994, but for one person in the company this was his first experience. That person would be our Chemical Process Engineer, Christopher Bonsell. With this being his first time, we thought it would be interesting to share the perspective of someone who has never been to one of these shows before. So, we decided to conduct a short interview, and this is what he had to say:

portrait photo of Chemcut's Chemical Process Engineer, Christopher Bonsell
Chemcut's Chemical Process Engineer, Christopher Bonsell

What is your background?

“I am a Penn State Alumni who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. I started working at Chemcut in 2020, around the time the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Here, at Chemcut, I work in our R&D lab where we perform process tests for our customers and to improve our equipment”

What are your thoughts on your first time at the IPC APEX EXPO?

“I thought it was great. Getting the chance to be an exhibitor, provided me with plenty of learning and networking opportunities. When I was there, I got to learn more about the other companies that contribute to our industry and where we are in relation to them in the process. I got to meet manufacturers of photoresists, microscopes, PCB drills, exposure equipment, and many more. When you work day-to-day in your facility, it’s very easy to get tunnel vision on what you produce – seeing this opened my eyes. It reminded me that we are part of something bigger in the grander scheme of advancing technology, and I honestly find it fascinating.”

What did you enjoy most about being an exhibitor?

“I think what I enjoyed most about being an exhibitor was educating people, who are unfamiliar with etching, how our equipment and the process works.”

Do you think you’ll return to be an exhibitor again?

“I certainly hope so. I had a great time, and I would definitely like the opportunity to represent Chemcut again.”